Monday, August 20, 2007

A brief flashback to another golden age of Republican thievery

First, Karl Rove bows out of his role as the devil incarnate of Washington politics and now comes word that Reagan-era uber-hack Michael Deaver has expired and gone to wherever lobbyists ultimately go. Last week's news of Mr. Rove's skulking back to Texas brought Mr. Deaver to mind, causing one to wonder "whatever happened to . . .?" Well, now we know.

Interestingly, in the obituary of Deaver there was nary a mention of his infamous appearance on the cover of TIME magazine. Being that both CNN and the newsweekly are part of the sprawling (staggering?) Time Warner media empire, you'd think the editors at CNN would have given credit where credit was due. To refresh your memory, Deaver the Cleaver's nose-thumbing moment as TIME cover-boy was widely seen as a motivating factor for bringing his baldfaced influence pedaling under federal scrutiny which ultimately derailed his gravy train and almost sent him to the poky.

Just to put things into perspective, the most egregious of this hack's pocket-stuffing escapades pale in comparison to the chicanery and corruption of the Bush-Cheney crime syndicate. While Reagan almost put America into the poorhouse with his idiot 'star wars' intergalactic laser beam missile defense debacle, at least his advisers were smart enough to (occasionally) pull troops out of unwinnable quagmires. Sadly, this is something the neo-cons from the Project for a New American Century, the ideologues for the numb skulls currently bankrupting the treasury and robbing the taxpayer still haven't figured out. Well, that's the 'spend and bomb' GOP for ya.

Random Thought as the Rats Abandon the Bush-Cheney Ship:

"Silence moves faster when it's going backward."

~ Jean Cocteau, French poet, novelist, dramatist, filmmaker

1 comment:

Stephen Bonser said...

i think this story was very true
i really enjoyed reading this enthuseastic paragraph
i wish there were more people like you
we need to find more people that have writing skills like you!!!
IMPEACH BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!